Dez. 22
Kudos to all those guys delivering parcels to all of us who are too lazy to pick up #christmas presents ourselfs . You are the true Santas of this time! 🙂
Dez. 15
Very awesome work that Kurt and his friends did there. Great medley of some of the most common Christmas songs and a very awesome video to go along with it!
Nov. 21
Check out the Piano Guys' version of the "Lord of the Rings" soundtrack. Minimalistic and stunningly beautiful…I love it.
Okt. 15
Genialer Artikel. Trifft ziemlich genau das, was ich auch immer gesagt habe zu dem Thema.
ZEIT ONLINE originally shared this post:
Das Teilen von Informationen und Gütern als Konzept der Weltverbesserung – Das war die Verheißung der Social Networks, meint Nina Pauer. Doch die Realität hat die Uptopie eingeholt: Je mehr wir voneinander wissen, umso mehr schrumpft das Interesse aneinander. (leo)
Facebook: Frisst sich das Netzwerk selber auf?
Facebook hat nun eine Milliarde Mitglieder. Dabei krankt die Plattform längst an einer Implosion der Informationen. Was ist da bloß schief gelaufen? Von Nina Pauer
Okt. 14
Laurence Pegard originally shared this post:
Sep. 16
Wow. I can't shake the feeling that Perpetuum Jazzile is just getting better and better. Their most recent video is just incredible. Enjoy! #perpetuumjazzile
Sep. 13
This is just amazing. The kind of effects they manage to achieve with something as simple as switching lights on and off…perfect.
And I still wonder if the dancers controlled the lights themselves or whether someone with nightvision goggles sat in the back and switched them on and off. 😉
Stephanie Van Pelt originally shared this post:
This is truly amazing. Loved every minute!
Sep. 13
That’s incredible! Very well done. I guess I have to change my future vacation plans and visit Singapore at some point. 😉
Laurence Pegard originally shared this post:
Kinetic Rain: 1,216 Computationally Controlled Bronze Raindrops at Changi Airport in Singapore | Colossal
Berlin firm ART+COM just completed this stunning new kinetic sculpture in Terminal 1 of Changi Airport in Singapore. Kinetic Rain consists of two sets of 608 suspended raindrops made from lightweight …
Sep. 13
Finally the thunderstorm I have been promised all day by the weather forecast hits my area. I just love seeing the raw power nature can wield. Thankfully that's something mankind will never change. 🙂 (Just some random late-night thoughts… :))
Zum Dorfblick
Sep. 13
Uhm what? Windows wants to search for solutions to problems that haven’t occurred yet? Should I be worried and expect there to be more problems in the future? So far I have been quite happy with Windows 7.
The things programmers come up with… 😀